Patent Watch

    Ensure that you stay updated on the legal status of your competitor's intellectual property across various patent office registers.
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    Mind+Machine Based Approach

    Our professionals aggregate and curate legal events to provide only the most relevant alerts. You can also specify the events for which you need the alerts.


    Consolidated Legal Events

    We ensure that you stay updated on the legal status of your competitor's intellectual property across various patent office registers, all while saving time on data cleaning and tracking individual patents.


    Periodic Alerts/ Scheduled Notifications

    We guarantee timely and accurate updates by receiving notices in the appropriate format via email or online alerts. You can conveniently review critical patent publications online to organise your tasks smoothly. Additionally, consolidating alerts will help prevent you from being inundated with excessive notifications during the monitoring period.


    State-of-the-art watch platform

    The market is constantly evolving, and competition is becoming more innovative daily. That's why we want to introduce you to our cutting-edge platform, Insightloupe, which utilises AI to provide powerful analytics and alerting functionalities that keep you updated in real-time.

    By adopting AI technology, you can eliminate repetitive and tedious tasks, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your business. Our platform centralises and disseminates information at scale while our domain experts curate keen insights that enable you to take actionable steps to stay ahead of the curve.

    Are you looking for specific legal or all events within a particular timeframe?

    Look no further than Insightloupe. Our platform provides a centralised document repository that allows you to search for any patent publication with pinpoint accuracy.


    For example, you can effortlessly search for all patent publications that have received "intention to grant" between January 1st and March 31st.

    What you gain

    Markets are changing and competitors are innovating faster than a human can keep up with. If you do not adopt AI, you will rapidly fall behind and become obsolete.

    Using our automated dashboard configured to your requirements, gain a holistic view of all the patents you monitor.

    Looking for analytics, monitoring or help in any other IP or R&D services?

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